What Makes Lumen Unique?

Lumen provides internalizing students the benefit of smaller class sizes, individualized lessons with one-on-one direct instruction, fewer distractions (auditory and visual), and social-emotional support during class and recess times. Staff at Lumen personalize lessons to meet student needs and learning styles. During break/free times, students receive support from staff in navigating appropriate conversation topics and sharpening other social skills. 

Lumen Academy continues to create community partnerships and transition/vocational opportunities for students who present with anxiety and other psychiatric disorders. The continuation of a relationship-based ideology between students and staff is at the forefront of our program.

Lumen Academy believes that students who are appropriate for the program recognize that their solutions to problems have often led to failure rather than success. In addition, students recognize the need to make changes in their thinking and behavior in order to be successful.  Lumen Academy staff assists the students in a variety of ways through our social-emotional curriculum which focuses on recognition of and rewarding positive efforts, achievement, and personal responsibility. Students are provided various tools to encourage progress such as a weekly record of expectations met in the academic, behavioral and therapeutic components of the program, individualized goal sheets, and earned activities/projects.

Lumen Academy works cooperatively with students’ home districts and families in Individualized Education Plan goal development, assessment and coordination of care. We offer our services to students with: Emotional Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Other Health Impairment and Traumatic Brain Injury

Contact us today: vzjalic-maksimov@thelumenacademy.com